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KB3A Pipe Deoiler


KB3A Pipe Deoiler

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Pipe deoiler is comprised by housing, rotating wheel, deoiling pipe, oil scraper oil guiding board , guiding wheel, oil collecting tank and reducer. Reducer drives rotating wheel to constantly rotate, and further drives deoiling pipe to conduct rotating movement through turning paddle structure mounted on rotating wheel. Deoiling pipe is in a hollow closed loop structure, and it is able to float on the surface of liquid, and simultaneously possesses strong adhesivity for floating oil. Floating oil on the surface of liquid is attached on deoiling pipe, and is rotated onto oil guiding board along with deoiling pipe. Floating oil is scraped by oil scraper and flows into oil collecting tank.


Pipe deoiler is mainly used for damp processing, as well as situations of fluid tank deoiling occupying a rather large area.

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